About Me

Hello Earthlings! I'm Jessica and I'm a travel connoisseur. Ever since I was little I've always been intrigued by the planes flying in the sky, wondering where they were heading. I always dreamed of visiting different countries and learning about other cultures but I never truly believed that I could achieve those dreams because I didn't know where to start.

My first time on a plane I was 17 years old on my way from North Carolina to Texas, for USAF basic training. One of my reasons for joining was to travel. I explored a lot of the Southwest USA during that time but I was ready to venture out of the country. 

Once I completed my service, I decided to go big and do a 5 month trip visiting western Europe and Southeast Asia mostly. 

Since then my love for travel has grown only stronger,  catching the travel bug is a very real thing and I definitely caught it. Travelling this beautiful Earth and helping others do the same is my passion for life. I'm so excited to help you plan your next earthly adventure! 

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